
AZSP Bodywork

Cupping therapy


Foot mobility

Foot mobility
The base of your body, foot affect your entire body, knees, hips, spine, neck and shoulders.

Adductor magnus and blood circulation

Adductor magnus and blood circulation
Releasing hip adductors significantly helps increasing blood circulation

AZSP Sports Massage

AZSP Bodywork
Why we don't do Deep Tissue Massage ?

AZSP Bodywork - Our difference

AZSP Bodyworkの違い

AZSP Human Body Science - Negative Loop

Negative Loop
If there any negative loop, the body balance would be losing, get worse and worse. To bring back healthy body, remove the negative loop and its root cause.

AZSP Sports Massage

Sacred Lomi
Hawaiian healing and natural body care to unwind mind and body

Which Service is Right for You ?

AZSP Bodywork Service Recommendation by Condition

If you don't find your symptoms or conditions, please let us know.

AZSP Bodywork Service comparison

AZSP Bodywork Service Comparison

AZSP Healing

AZSP Energy Healing
The distinctive energy healing to maximize self healing power

Green Smoothie

Smoothie Recipe
Stay Healthy - Green Smoothie Formula - Boost up with BCAA/Protein as well

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